Why is this man’s voice so low? This dude sounds like a mosquito trying to get their final words out after being crushed by a worn work shoe that may or may not have excrement and/or urine on it. Aaaaaaaanyway, Charlie here has yet another apology/defense video for us. Joooooooooooooooooooooooy.

Youtubers apologizing for the things they may have done has become a subgenre onto itself with it being mocked to the point of parody, and this “apology” follows the same cues that make some apologies laughable to viewers.

Y’know, the hushed and self pitying tone (though being a creep is pitiful, so half a point for that), claiming that he now knows what he did was wrong since apparently being not predatory is a light suggestion that only some take to heart, claiming he feels responsible while pushing the responsibility onto other people and factors, and I don’t actually have another one to add since those previous three covers a wide base.

There is a lot to be said and discussed when it comes to the issue of apologizing. Who is the apology for? For the victim or the perpetrator to feel better? Does intent and motivation matter? Should you bother apologizing if you do not actually feel remorse, and is the visible lack of remorse better than feigned remorse? Why are some so bothered by needing to apologize to begin with? Do some people even desire an apology? One look at the comments section of this video will show the sentiment of repeated incidents forming a pattern. If a ball hits you in the face when you open your front door because some guy threw it, you may chalk it up to a simple mistake. Once more, you may still think of it as a coincidence and that the guy probably should not be in front of your house. One last time, well, you’ll be rightly angry at the jerkbutt.

I myself tend to get slightly annoyed when I have to hear people apologize for the same thing repeatedly because 1) I do not have much patience for repetitive talk to begin with, and 2) one’s sincerity starts to come into question. Now, there are times where fundamentally different life experiences will lead to repeated misunderstandings between two parties. And maybe the repeated offenses are just coincidences (this isn’t that, but let us set aside Jamey being a creep momentarily to give him a fair shake). There is also the fact that we are all human and that we can’t be expected to instantly learn from our mistakes and that life is a giant learning experience and that we need to love each other but also f*ck you.

Goodness gracious will it always be slightly boggling seeing how many Youtubers turn out to, and this is putting it in the cleanest way possible, like them on the younger side. Like, I don’t really want to get into the psychology of why exactly so many people with an ounce of a fandom want to partake in sexual exploitation since I do not want to make myself sad and the most obvious answer would be that they go on a slight power trip, but wow.

One last thing would be that it is now a bit awkward seeing months-old defenses of James Charles. I am of two minds of this since it is true that misinformation about what a person has actually done and misconstruing what they said has always been an issue. But also, it was more than unfortunate how many people instantly did a 180 and see Shane Dawson, Jeffree Star, and Tati Westbrook as being opportunistic liars (which they are, though Tati got some unfair backlash from that good ol sexism) while believing James Charles to be an innocent dove. Guess it goes to show you how often multiple people can be trash at the same time and that terrible people can make semi-accurate and/or truthful comments (like that time Onision called Shane Dawson a predator). Life is fun!